Friday Nov 05, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 17 with Chris Smith
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for the next!
This is our 17th Podcast and so far we haven’t really talked about fiction. Chris and Jemma mostly work with stories from real life but they’re influenced by fiction in various ways, especially through folklore, which subtly shapes all the stories we tell. We’ll be covering the role of fiction in business storytelling and in songs and we might even touch on Westerns because …
October’s Guest
October’s guest is Chris Smith, Author
Chris Smith is an author, from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He has 5 westerns on Amazon and has just completed a fantasy novel. He's an avid fly fisherman and enjoys getting onto the water in his spare time.
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-smith-author-of-the-blood-on-the-range-series-2546491b2/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ChrisSmithAuthor/?ref=pages_you_manage
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chris-Smith/e/B08NTQY8Y2/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Awakening Voices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411125553258439/
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Jemma’s Redgrave video: https://vimeo.com/215885253
Chris Sissons loves stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield on the lookout for new stories. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a local marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
The cowboy story (book and film) I refer to towards the start of the Podcast is Shane and not Slane, which is something else entirely.
Natsume Yujin-cho – you can find this on Crunchyroll and watch for free, if you can put up with the ads. Or I hear it’s on Netflix. Crunchyroll covers the first 3 of 6 series (39 episodes). I haven’t been able to track down the series 4-6 but they may be on Netflix. If anyone reads this and has access to Netflix, please take a look and let me know what’s on there, if anything!
Story Forge meets once a month apart from December. You can find out about their activities and other storytelling events, some online, here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/94064587663
The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories by Christopher Booker https://uk.bookshop.org/books/the-seven-basic-plots-why-we-tell-stories/9781472976185
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 16 with Steve Dawson
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for the next!
This month we discuss the most powerful thing you can do to tackle climate change, swimming with otters, William Shaw, an unsung Sheffield hero and the only business network meeting with its own song!
September’s Guest
September’s guest is Steve Dawson of Gritstone Financial Planning Limited
Gritstone believes in the value of excellent Financial Advice provided in a safe and empathetic manner to the highest level of professional competence. They combine this with the St. James’s Place Investment Management Approach to give consistent investment returns over the medium to long term. They’re a small but growing business, located in the heart of Sheffield, who believe passionately in the benefits of aligning financial resources to the purposes and plans of individuals, families, business owners and trustees. They adjust the delivery of their service to meet the individual’s needs. Fundamentally, they believe that secure and well-managed finances have much greater resonance when they exist in a world worth living in. To this end, as a company, they encourage consideration of environmental, social and governance factors when investing.
Website: http://www.stephendawsonfp.co.uk
Email: stephen.dawson@sjpp.co.uk
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Chris Sissons loves stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield on the lookout for new stories. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a local marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on the links in right-hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Awakening Voices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411125553258439/
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 15 with Pam Goodison
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for the next!
This month we discuss dragonflies, German police roadblocks, words that rhyme with glass and finding love beyond the looking glass.
August’s Guest
August’s guest is Pam Goodison, Glass Artist
Pam has been working with stained glass for over 15 years. She started by attending a ‘workshop’ at a local college in Sheffield and caught ‘the bug’. Since then Pam has worked in both the copper foiling and leaded techniques. She has successfully designed and made windows for herself and commissions. Pam has also made smaller pieces such as sun catches and 3D work. In 2012 she studied the art of fused glass at Darton College. This has opened up a world of different creative opportunities for her, including screen printing on glass.
Pam studied art at school and was to go on to Degree level. Sadly she was unable to follow her dream but has found that her ‘creative style’ has appeared in other ways, namely through her eye for design and work with glass.
In the last couple of years, she has displayed her work at Countryfile Live at Blenheim Palace as well as The British Craft Trade Fair at Harrogate Showground. She has also undertaken charity work with Barnsley Hospice as well as raising money for the Royal British Legion, through the sale of her glass poppy brooches. Recently Pam has started working with the National Trust, which has involved designing and selling a stained glass star that is unique to the Nostell Priory property.
Pam says ‘ I love working with glass. The colours and effects created can be amazing. I have always had an interest in the stories told in old church windows. The sun shining through them creates a sense of spirituality.
Commissions can be undertaken through consultation.
Website: https://pamgoodisonglass.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PamGoodisonGlassArtist/
Instagram: I'm on Instagram as pamgoodisonglassartist. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1iokjhytjb93r&utm_content=n54pdt
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Chris Sissons loves stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield on the lookout for new stories. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a local marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on the links in right-hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
The book I mention is “The Music of Time: Poetry in the Twentieth Century” by John Burnside.
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Awakening Voices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411125553258439/
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 14 with Jaswinder Challi
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it!
This month we discuss a new book called “The New Woman: Stories of Kintsugi Experiences”, compiled by Ritu Sharma, where 33 women have contributed their stories. They include both Jemma and this month’s guest! We also discuss ideas for promoting book online and in real life. Also, a definitive answer to the question of Prince Charles’ height!
July’s Guest
July’s guest is Jaswinder Challi, Transpersonal Akash
Jas is a tutor and therapist, who teaches Counselling and Hypnotherapy Diploma. She also teaches Yoga at the local gym and community centre. During the pandemic, Jas has co-authored 8 books and she’s is now learning to use stories to give her wisdom to inspire others. Jas has already been involved in providing her services for two book launches. She is very spiritual and conducts spiritual ceremonies for clients through her business Transpersonal Akash and she has also travelled around the world.
YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCEzS4YkkwWFHejc2RjdTClg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaswinder.challi
Instagram: @jazaro_transpersonal_akash
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/jaswinder-challi-33724914367
Website: http://www.jaz-nur.com/
Jaswinder’s new book, “The Authenticated Voice” shall be published in the autumn.
Jaswinder refers to Kes during the Podcast, this film was based on the book “A Kestrel for a Knave” by Barry Hines.
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Awakening Voices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411125553258439/
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 13 with John Chapman
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
This month we discuss genealogy, family history through letters and filling gaps in stories where you don’t have all the facts.
June’s Guest
June’s guest is John Chapman, Past Lives Ancestry
John Chapman, after twenty years researching the family histories of his own and friends, was persuaded to become a professional genealogist. Over the past six years he’s undertaken over thirty full research projects. As well as helping people find their families through DNA research, he also gives talks and runs workshops on family and local history. He’s currently writing a book based around real people involved in the nail-making trade in the 17th century, exporting from South Yorkshire to the American colonies.
Twitter: John @ Past Lives Ancestry
Linkedin: john-chapman-5164105
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Awakening Voices Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411125553258439/
Link to Jemma’s music page:
The book Jemma mentions is “Escaping Nazi Germany: One Woman’s Emigration from Heilbronn to England” by Joachim Schlor. The link takes you to an online sample of the book. It can be purchased from Amazon but it is expensive!
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Monday May 31, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 12 with Karen Williams
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
This month we discuss roaring mice, coping with poetry and moving from mundane to spiritual songs!
May’s Guest
May’s guest is Karen Williams, Librotas
Karen Williams is The Book Mentor at Librotas. Having started out in business in 2006, and writing her first book in 2009, she knows the difference that writing a book can make to your business when done well. She has worked with hundreds of coaches, consultants and other business experts who have a story to tell or a message to share, taking them from idea to final manuscript, ensuring that they write and publish a book that helps them to attract more clients, raise their credibility and show up in a bigger way.
Karen is the bestselling author of eight writing and entrepreneurial books, a TEDx speaker and motivational coach.
Website: http://www.librotas.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/librotas
Twitter: https://twitter.com/librotas
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenwilliamslibrotas/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenwilliamslibrotas/
Karen mentions “A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as if it Were Your Last” by Stephen Levine.
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
I mention “The Music of Time: Poetry in the Twentieth Century” by John Burnside.
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Monday May 03, 2021
Find Tell Share Episode 11 with Siobhan Moss
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
This month we have giving birth to children, work and new insights, social media addiction and building community and family.
April’s Guest
April’s guest is Siobhan Moss, Connection Coach
Siobhan Moss who is a Self-Connection Coach and Journal Therapist. Her mission is to help women heal through the power of words. She holds space for them to transmute their trauma into light and guides them to show up in the world expressing their innate divinity. She is also the founder of the newly established Women's Wellbeing Network.
Today she will be sharing more about her journey from lack to love and how the power of words aided her in overcoming addiction and trauma and led to a greater sense of connection, to herself and others.
Here is the link for the book mentioned:
Also here are the links if anyone wants to contact me: https://www.facebook.com/SelfConnectionCoach
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Link to Jemma’s music page:
Jemma mentions during the Podcast:
- In the Heights – a musical
- Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker
- Recovery: Freedom from our Addictions by Russell Brand
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
FindTell Share Episode 10 with Ruth McIntosh
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Information to accompany Podcast March 2021.
Episode 10 with Ruth McIntosh
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
This month we have women who cycle, the perils of abundance and an heroic tooth.
March’s Guest
March’s guest is Ruth McIntosh of Good Apple Copy
Whilst some people dream of fast cars and a luxury lifestyle Ruth’s dream is to free-wheel around ancient towns in the south of France soaking in the atmosphere. She tells us that riding her bike makes her feels like a kid again and she’s a great advocate of travelling slowly, taking in the view.
When she’s not cycling or dreaming about it she’s an online English tutor, content writer and brand-storyteller who lives in South Sheffield just on the border in to Derbyshire. Her business is called Good Apple Copy and so she calls herself the Good Apple – and after 20 years of working as a teacher she now works one-to-one with individuals to build their confidence. In addition to website and magazine content, she also works on Life Writing projects for people wanting to self-publish their memoirs and her own books on slow cycling.
You can find details of Ruth’s book, “In Search of Adventure” on Amazon:
Websites: https://goodapplecopy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RuthMcStory
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthmcintoshbrandstoryteller/
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Jemma mentions the book “The Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist.
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site. Find past Podcast episodes on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link.
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Episode 9 with Elaine Mitchell
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
This month we have difficulties taking a small child to school, speculate on what happened to the Hole in the Road and ask what music contributes to storytelling.
February’s Guest
February’s guest is Elaine Mitchell, Empowerment Coach
Elaine is an Empowerment Coach, Hypnotherapist, Speaker, and Author from Sheffield. A proud Sheffielder with a love of helping people get past their emotional blocks in life to become more of who they are.
Elaine works with individuals face to face over zoom, to enable them to love and live their life with The Power of Three: Gratitude Acceptance and Detachment.
She also presents to businesses and charities about confidence, well-being, positive mental health, self-worth and much more. She combines her skills from coaching, healing, and therapies to ensure the clients receive a bespoke service that meets their needs and excels their expectations.
She loves in no particular order
Football, Her dog Ruby, her kids Tom and Rose, and of course her husband of 30+ years Steve. She met him at Roxys nightclub in the mid '80s and has stayed loyal to 80's music and style.
You can find details of Elaine’s book, “Seven Steps to Self-Empowerment” here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Seven-Steps-Empowerment-Elaine-Mitchell/dp/0244185166/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=seven+steps+to+self+empowerment&qid=1581336944&sr=8-3
Website: https://www.elainemitchell.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElaineMitchellEmpowermentCoach/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elainemitchellempowermentcoach/
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos
For more information about “Find Your Voice Workshops”: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/finding-your-voice-in-2021-monthly-workshops-tickets-136038146759
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
If you would like to see the Everly Pregnant Brothers “Oyl int Ruwad” (Hole in the Road). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR6FmJSyp2A&t=3s
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link. Next meeting is on 11 March …
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Episode 8 with Suman Manghra
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Information to accompany Podcast January 2021.
Episode 8 with Suman Manghra
“Find Tell Share” is a podcast co-hosted in Sheffield by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal, Creative Hearts. It’s the storyteller’s podcast, featuring everything storytelling, especially if you use stories to promote your business or charity (and you should!). We produce an edition once a month with a guest, watch out for it.
January’s Guest
Suman founded Manifestation Maven to provide empowerment, tools and knowledge within personal and professional development. After graduating with a Masters degree in Occupational Psychology and becoming competent in NLP, hypnotherapy and coaching, and also working as a trainer in many organisations, Suman is highly experienced in providing a range of training and development both to groups and individuals. Now she provides transformational programmes and powerful professional speaking, guiding more people to unleash their potential and live life to its fullest!
Mobile: 07515 818811
Email: Synab@manifestationmaven.co.uk
Website: www.manifestationmaven.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ManifestationMaven
Instagram: www.instagram.com/manifestation.maven
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/sumanmanghra
Find Tell Share Co-Hosts
Chris Sissons has always loved stories and these days strides the streets of Sheffield always on the lookout for a new story. He was a Community Development Worker for 30 years and consequently is sceptical about almost everything.
I’m a marketing coach, using stories to open up business development in surprising ways. I underline the distinction between real and paid work. Many people are unhappy because they cannot find time for their real work – as we unravel the lockdown, we’re all challenged to step up and offer the world our own unique insights. They won’t always work but how else do we find the ones that do?
Find out more about Market Together here. My contact details are on the site.
Text me if you would like a conversation about how I can help you build a story portfolio, find stories for a keynote or develop your real work … 07887 352841
I run Telling Stories: Making Business, storytelling for business owners, on second and fourth Thursdays (usually). It’s an opportunity to hear a business owner’s story and to offer feedback. We improve our own storytelling when we help others. Find the TSMB programme here. This page is regularly updated. Click on links in right hand column to register for your Zoom link. Next meeting is on 12 November …
Find me on Facebook: Market Together: Storytelling in Marketing.
Jemma Rosenthal is a Singer-Songwriter, Choreographer/Dancer, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Life Coach and Teacher. She specialises in Confidence and Creative Expression, as well as improving Self-Worth and Healing through Creativity. She gives private and group coaching in Performance Skills as well as Life coaching and Mindfulness. In 2019 she created her own brand called Creative Hearts and has given workshops and performances in various venues in Sheffield including collaborations with Blend Kitchen, Connection Cafe and Sisters with One Voice (SWOV). She’s also done extensive voice and dance workshops with children and Youth theatres around Sheffield, including Hype Dance Academy and her original song featured in Fusion Youth Theatre’s original production. Jemma's aim is to improve awareness of how we can find our voices, be it through song, dance, writing, speaking or otherwise and release our authentic and unique expression to the world as well as sharing our own creative gifts in collaboration with others.
Creative Hearts (@creativehearts.coach) • Instagram photos and videos